of Cadres and teachers, vocation for mountainous and ethnic minority
people to meet the demands of National Industrialization and Modernization.
A number of problems to solve in the year 2000 and coming years.
(Mr. Thai Quang Nhan- Director of Department for Education - Training
of Kontum Province).
Distinguished Guest,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
of all, on the behalf of Cadres, teachers, pupils and students
of the Contemn province, I wish for the HEDO Board Boards of Director
and all delegates attending HEDO 10th Foundation Anniversary
and Workshops good health and success.
Ladies and Gentlemen! Kontum is a small province in the Upland of Western
plateau, which was established in October 1991 with 53% ethnic
minority people, and with infrastructure of very poor economy
and techniques. As a first, in the acceptance and management of
education and training are meeting difficulties. The proportion
of children to school were lowest and illiteracy was high (40%).
The material basis of schools and classes has fallen (80%). Cadres
and teachers were not enough low quality. Kontum education and
training undergoes very big difficulties. The problem is that
there are two ways. One is to maintain and consolidate results
of education training at that time for development and other one
is to change the new method of working and management to improve
the quality of education training to meet the cause of national
industrialization and modernization.
10 years ago (Kontum was separated in 1991), the work of education
and training in Kontum province was a small scale. But comparing
199 - 1992, in the year of 1999 - 2000 schools and classes have
increased by 161%, pupils by 276%, education personnel by 444%.
Kontum has attained national standard on anti-illiteracy and primary
education generalization. The quality of teaching and studying
is better, low-quality pupils have decreased, and good and excellent
students have increased gradually.
The above results are gained thank to the Government, support of international
friends and the effort of leaders and teachers.
With difficulties in the first step, HEDO has come to Kontum province.
There is a cock-and-bull sentence: “a little food when hunger
is better than a plenty of food when full”. HED has supported
to construct leprosy clinic in Van Lem (Dak to); clean water system
for the boarding ethnic school and local people in Ngoc Hoi especially
to send many staff and teachers to train at universities in the
country and foreign countries. At the request from HEDO, volunteer
teachers from the United Kingdom to Kontum to upgrade English
for English teachers. HEDO has also mobilized international friends
to supply equipment for teaching English in Kontum province.
As you know, cadres a is decisive factor, therefore leaders and Department
of Education and Training attach much importance for training
personnel of branches, especially for teacher from primary school
to secondary school and vocational training. Because of the poor
province so we seek for the support from social organization and
international friends. We hope HEDO become a bridge between international
organizations and Kontum province to help and support a lot of
projects for the work of education and training.
Thank you very much for your attention.